Chiropractic Testimonials
"I had a wonderful experience with simple truth chiropractic office. All the staff know their stuff and are very friendly! Not only did they answer unknown pains but also they helped with improving my confidence in that I will be able to function at a higher compacity from some few and small adjustments! Thank you for what you do. Couldn't have been more welcomed into the office."
- Caitlyn C.
"I would go no where else. I am out of pain after my treatment. Even my jaw, which bothered me for 35 years, feels great. No more pain after two treatments on that! The massage therapist is fabulous. I feel great whenever I go to her."
- Alyssa M.
"Chiropractic has made a great physical difference in my life. I no longer have pain in my right elbow that has been there for 6+ years. My posture has improved. I no longer slouch! Regular adjustments and massages have eliminated the tightness/discomfort in my upper back and neck that was caused by all my stress."
- Toni R.
"I feel like I can do more now and I have more energy. Before coming here my back and body hurt so much I didn't want to do anything."
- Bill H.
"I'm a former surgery patient where they fused my entire low back. My neck and shoulders are a whole different story now... no pain anymore. The problems with my heel are steadily improving and my knees are pain-free. I'm finally "getting there!" The massages have also been invaluable to me! Pain-free for 2-3 days at a time."
- Karen S.
"I came in ages ago (almost 7+ years) with TMJ with problems in my mid back to the point I wouldn't move without severe pain. Today, I have no TMJ and I stopped seeing my TMJ doctor 2 years ago. I have very little pain anymore except for an occasional headache."
- Sheryl V.
"When I first came here, I could barely walk 10 feet across the room without getting a sharp pain in my hips and back. After one visit, I felt a lot better. After one week I went back to work and I've been improving ever since."
- Michelle H.
"Improved my balance. I don't fall down anymore like I used to. I got immense relief fro my fibromyalgia. The symptoms have greatly improved, especially in conjunction with my dietary recommendations. The numbness and tingling as well as the migraines has been greatly reduced as well."
- Pat H.
"The sharp pain in my upper back and shoulders has greatly decreased. I started coming here for that reason. Being a police officer and wearing a 25 lb. belt and a vest, sitting in a car for long period of time can put a lot of strain on the back. I believe I have avoided many serious problems because I come in on a regular basis."
- Eric K.
"It consistently minimizes my pain, keeps me from spiraling into a worse condition and helps me stay healthy and balanced. I would say it has even undone some of the effects of again.I would tell people that chiropractic is an irreplaceable part of a healthy life. Those who won't use chiropractic for whatever reason are much worse off for it."
- Jim W.
"Since I have received chiropractic care, I have had a lot more energy throughout the day. This has helped me to be a more productive and better teacher for my students. I have also noticed a change in my mood as well. I am happier and not as irritable. I am also able to sleep a lot better at night."
- Alecia F.
"I've had better movement, and a lot less pain. I am more active without the accompanying pain or stiffness. I'm much more productive at work as well."
- Bob M.
"I was at the point where I had trouble walking and was trying a new running regiment. Well, when you can't walk well it's difficult to run. After a few visits to the office I was able to pick back up my running and just completed my first 10K last weekend! And surgery was NOT required. I'm so pleased that it works. I've even had my 2 year old adjusted!"
- Liz T.
We love to hear how we're doing with our practice members! If you have a story you'd share about how we've improved your health and wellness, let us know at the front desk so we can do a video with you or click on one of the three links below to leave us a review.